Wordalot Answers

Wordalot Answers

First of all we would like to thank you for visiting our site. Here you will be able to find all Wordalot Answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is a brand new game developed by MAG Interactive who have also developed other popular trivia games such as Wordbrain and Wordbrain Themes. If you are a word-guessing kind of person and would like to test out your vocabulary and logic then Wordalot is the right game for you! You are given various categories and each category consists of 2 different packs. Inside each of the packs you will find 6 different images and you will have to guess the correct words in a crossword kind of game. While some of the words are very trivial, there are a couple which you might get stuck and here is where we come in place, to help you out with any specific level you are stuck!

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